As a Spiritual Wellness Coach for Mothers, my purpose is to help mothers of all kinds bring the peace that lives within every one of us to the forefront. As mothers, we cannot avoid the difficulties that arise on the daily basis of caring for our children, but together, we can find ways to lessen the stress, ease the nervous system, and find the calm in the everyday moments.

I create a safe space without judgement and without fear of perceptions of right or wrong to ensure that all the messiness of motherhood can be brought to the table to be explored.

My Approach

Through my experience as a meditation and spiritual guide, I use mindfulness practices such as, self-reflection, meditation, grounding, and breath-work, along with Positive Psychology and Applied Buddhism to help mothers touch peace and ease in their daily lives. By shifting the mindset from drowning to flowing, my role is to help mothers be able to enjoy each day instead of just trying to get through it.


Most mothers do not have the time nor energy to do things for themselves. They can spend years wanting to make a change in their daily lives but being unable to succeed as the days fly by without change. With my flexible schedule and relaxing sessions, my clients can see results towards their desired outcomes unfold quicker and without as much effort.


My clients are mothers who wish to release the overwhelm and tension of daily motherhood and allow peace to flow through them to make for a more enjoyable, happy home for themselves and their children. I coach them through mindfulness practices to find the areas that are causing the most stress in their daily lives and work to change their mindset to release the energy surrounding those moments.

I was that mother. The mother who yelled at her children because she was overwhelmed, overstimulated, and overrun with the demands of running a household with young children underfoot. I was uncontrollably frustrated over my children, just being children. I wanted them to “grow up”, to “figure it out”, and to “behave” in ways that just did not make sense for their age and current development. I was anxious, stressed, and my entire body ached with tension because I would worry and fret over my behavior as soon as I left my children asleep in their bedrooms at night. I would chastise myself for being a terrible mother, for treating them poorly, for giving them a childhood wrought with trauma. When I finally got to the moment I was looking forward to all day (after their bedtime) “me time”, I would instantly be filled with regret and cry over how I behaved during the day.

my story

Then after a traumatic and abrupt life transition, I realized I had an opportunity to change. I started following the signs left for me by my Spirit Guides. I started meditating, I started breath-work, I started journaling, and I started my coaching journey. And through all that guidance, all that work, I started to heal. I started to break through all that negative energy, and I began to release it back to the universe. From there, it began to get easier to change the way I parented. I was no longer overwhelmed or overstimulated, and if those feelings began to creep up on me, I knew how to handle them. I used the tools I learned to calm my nervous system and to grow into the mother I always wanted to be. I will always be a work in progress, but I am proud of who I am today. And I know I will look back on these times and continue to be proud of how I handled myself, of how I raised my children, and how I provided them with the best possible childhood I was able to.